Here I sit, in the living room with candles lit and Native American Flute music playing in my earbuds, capturing a really interesting moment. Today (and this weekend), I’ve overcome fear, vulnerability, insecurity and guilt. There are probably others, but I’d rather shift the focus of my thoughts.
Tomorrow, I will begin a part time schedule at my job at the food bank, focusing on the garden program. Moving from full to part time is enabling me to invest more time and energy in other things that are important to me. One of those things, is massage therapy. Interestingly, 2017 will mark 14 years in practice, not only as a massage therapist, but also as a mother. My decision in 2013 to step away from my professional practice for a while was something I needed to do in order to realize the importance of sharing my gifts through this artful practice for the rest of my life.
Nyah was with me, inside of me, all through massage school. We’ve always considered this could be part of the reason she is so kinesthetic and has always had an affinity for gooey and slime-like substances, play dough and silly putty types. Massage school opened up my perspective for many things, especially in the holistic healing and spiritual world. It led me to different schools of thought, like the Law of Attraction, The Secret.
The principles explained through the Law of Attraction are those that I’m implementing today while finding my way through a complex myriad of emotions. The general requirements of this law are simply making intentional asks, feeling the positive emotion [vibe] of already having accomplished what your asking for and letting it go. Now at 40, I’m able to look back on the path(s) I’ve traveled through this life and see where this law has always worked – whether I attracted what I wanted or what I didn’t.
Recently, I was reflecting on things I’ve asked for in the past and was reminded of a time roughly eight years ago when I had been volunteering a considerable amount of time for a local garden group when I thought to myself – wouldn’t it be awesome if I could earn a living taking care of people and plants. I remember thinking those thoughts and letting them go quickly because I didn’t see how it could happen. That day has manifest.
It’s time I begin to intentionally practice what works.
I am so happy and grateful that…
- nine clients per week manage their stress and develop heightened body awareness with an ability to listen to their body’s needs because they receive regular massage from me
- I’m continuing my education abroad this year to fine tune practice tools and resources
- hundreds of customers find relief from skin conditions and body ailments because they are using Nyah’s body care products
- an amazing wellness practitioner is sharing my healing space
- hundreds of volunteers are joining me in the garden and learning how to grow food while meeting awesome people, getting exercise and absorbing vitamin C
- all farms and gardens are growing with ease and have a natural defense field surrounding them, protecting them from harm’s way so they are producing an abundance of fruits and vegetables
- our community knows how important fresh and local food is and they are investing in all programs supporting the people who do this work
- I am fully present and receiving everything I need, physically and spiritually, while maintaining optimal health, wellbeing and financial abundance
- I have family and friends (you know who you are!) supporting me.
This is a great start to the week!
Much love…..