Functional Range Conditioning

Functional Range Conditioning is an excellent way to incorporate more movement as recommended in the 47 Aware Toolkit! It was first introduced to me by my former trainer, Eric Lolar. It is a system of training which applies scientific methods to the acquisition and maintenance of functional mobility, articular resilience, and articular health and longevity. Controlled Articulated Rotations, or CARS, are the main focus and highly recommended for the purposes of improved range of motion and building soft tissue within the joint capsule. Melissa Ray, a personal trainer from Michigan, has some of the best FRC videos I’ve seen; you’ll find many of her tutorials in the following links.

A body in motion stays in motion! A body at rest will stay at rest. Our mobility as we age depends on the health and maintenance of our fascia.

Add this to your DAILY self-care regimen.

Isolated Exercises