Access Consciousness

Love and Judgment

Love and Judgment

Posted By on Mar 29, 2023

What people think of you is none of your business. Seriously. People will think what they think and it really doesn’t matter. Be you anyway. I had the unique opportunity on Monday to sit in a courthouse for roughly seven hours in anticipation of being called into the courtroom to testify in a trial. The most interesting part of it is that I would have been defending love, my points of view on capacity to love and what love looks...

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Plants are Conscious Organisms Recently, I’ve become fascinated with awareness. Not only is it the first step in true healing, consciousness has been equated to awareness in an abstract published in the National Library of Medicine in 2021. It goes on to say that both animals and plants are aware, and given the relationship between awareness and consciousness, plants can be described as conscious organisms. For some, it’s...

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And, I (AI)

And, I (AI)

Posted By on Dec 6, 2022

You gotta love a thought-provoking trend! As I’m watching my feed fill up with all these beautiful AI photos in multiple batches, I, too, have felt a desire to create an account to see what a computer would accentuate on me. What features would be reflected on a screen that sum up a common algorithm of the helmet on my spacesuit? What quirky glitches in my suit will be boldened and how would it be illustrated? Then, how would I...

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Wow. Okay….generally speaking, I tend to be the eternal optimist and try to redirect or not stare pain in the face. Instead, just put it in a box, on a shelf of a locked cabinet that sits in the external storage unit of my mind, located within a property secured by chains and a lock…um, you get the idea. But, the reality is we must make friends with the darkness, invite it over for dinner and feed it healthier food....

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