I’m in Oklahoma right now until Monday. I hope you all are enjoying the holiday weekend. My weekend began with a crawdad encounter! Can’t wait to share a story about this with you all next week. 🥰
Read MoreI’ll be sharing about my personal experience with this today in my audio post.
Read MoreWhat makes a good coach? WELLLL, I’ve agonized over this for nearly six years now and have recently had a breakthrough that is enabling me to move forward from that sticky place of self judgment. For many of you who have been following my journey, you have seen me dip my toe in the water and talk about coaching, but then quietly recluse back into my comfortable shell of hands-on massage therapy and bodywork. You see, I can sense...
Read MoreWhy is human connection so important? Human connection is the sense of closeness and belonging a person can experience when having supportive relationships with those around them. Connection is when two or more people interact with one another and each feels valued, seen and heard. There’s no judgment and you feel uplifted by interacting with them. PsychCentral provides examples of human connection such as a chat over coffee,...
Read MoreHow do you put a value on peace of mind? You don’t. But, you do make a decision. Once you make a decision, you set your emotional intent for the decision and the universe, through the Law of Attraction, will align with your emotional intent and the means will be there. Be it the financial means or the time to allocate to your journey. You get what you pay for. This has proven true for me every step of the way throughout my life....
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